
On the subject of sparrowhawk snacks

To: Birding Aus <>
Subject: On the subject of sparrowhawk snacks
From: L&L Knight <>
Date: Wed, 20 Sep 2006 20:53:03 +1000,,1875930,00.html

Journey's end

Eco soundings
John Vidal
Wednesday September 20, 2006
The Guardian

From Sunderland comes the sad tale of the pectoral sandpiper from Arctic north America (or even Siberia) that tried to head south for Latin America but met terrible winds and was blown last week to the wrong side of the Atlantic. After resting for four days at Barmston Pond reserve next to the Nissan car plant at Sunderland, the little bird became a snack for a hunting sparrowhawk. "It always seems unfortunate when a bird that is unusual and thousands of miles from where it ought to be is taken by a predator," says Mark Grantham, a migration expert at the British Trust for Ornithology.

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