
peregrine falcon, Brisbane area

To: "Col and Chris" <>
Subject: peregrine falcon, Brisbane area
From: John Tongue <>
Date: Sat, 15 Jul 2006 17:36:23 +1000
Hi all,

We find them turn up occasionally in almost any habitat in Tassie, - suburban, rural, coastal, mountain - but with no regularity or certainty that I can ascertain.
Fantastic bird though!

John Tongue

On Saturday, July 15, 2006, at 04:58  PM, Col and Chris wrote:

What a surprise at lunch time today as we sat down on our side verandah to see an unusual shape in a tall tree about 50 metres away. Bins and scope soon showed it to be a Peregrine falcon , a species which I have never seen in the southern suburban areas of Brisbane (Loganholme and Carbrook) in more than 25 years of bird watching. The peregrine was harrassed by a number of locals and soon flew off over the small golf course behind our house.
Col and Chris Fitzell.

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