
Spotted Nightjar near Grenfell (central west NSW)

Subject: Spotted Nightjar near Grenfell (central west NSW)
From: "Peter Ewin" <>
Date: Tue, 04 Jul 2006 21:24:06 +1000
I don't have the need to rush - I still use my Pizzey and Doyle (because it is the still the best field guide for notes including distribution). However, I am certain people will find lots of errors in the maps (particularly since the new Atlas has come out) but that is another argument. I would hope HANZAB would be the authority, and as I said it is well in the distribution listed there, but I am wondering how many records have been made in recent years in that part of the world.

From: Alan McBride <>
To: Peter Ewin <>
Subject: Re: [Birding-Aus] Spotted Nightjar near Grenfell (central west NSW)
Date: Tue, 4 Jul 2006 21:13:24 +1000


I'm going to start a rush on the book to 2nd hand bookshops but - Pizzey OLD again: Spotted Nightjar,
Distribution in part....  "in NSW east to Inverell - Wellington -  Cowra" 
so in by a good distance....

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On 04 Jul 2006, at 21:04, Peter Ewin wrote:

On the weekend, I visited Weddin Mountains National Park on one of my regular banding trips with Richard Allen. However, as I had a six week old son in tow and the thought of camping in winter (as it turned out in the rain) was not really appealing so Cate and I stayed in a motel in Grenfell (about 15kms to the east). When I drove out on Saturday morning I flushed a nightjar from the side of the road. By the time I turned around to find it again, it had disappeared (and as I wanted to get out before dawn) I didn't search too hard. The interesting thing was that the obvious feature was the large white wing flashes, which to me indicates Spotted Nightjar. We regularly hear White-throated Nightjars at Weddins over the spring and summer months, and the park would probably be the western edge of this species' distribution at this latitude. However, we have never recorded Spotted Nightjar and looking at the NPWS Atlas sight (I have changed jobs so don't have access to all the data currently at work) there are few records of this species from the central west slopes. HANZAB says east to Cowra/Temora/Wagga Wagga (whic probably runs through Grenfell) but not certain how many recent records from this area. Admittedly the sighting was very brief, though the wing spots were very clear in the headlights and White-throated should be well north at this time of year, so I am confident of the ID. Habitat was a rocky ridge with Mugga Ironbark forest.
Would be interested in any comments.


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