Beaten to it by Geoff - again - but Epsom is a favourite place for twitchathon
teams to grab some crakes and rails. It always seems to offer a few of these
usually elusive birds. The main part of the STW is good for ducks, but there's
a small wetland viewable from a public road on the way in/out and that's where
the crakes are - but don't tell anyone because it's a closely guarded
Twitchathon secret...
Geoff Price <> on Tue, 02 May 2006 20:38:56 -0700
> Really plumbing the depths Sean!
> I really like the South-eastern Plant near Carrum, se.
> Melbourne. Not that I've been in there for years, but I just like
> the ambience. Maybe it's the Skylarks. Even just riding the bicycle
> nearby makes me feel at peace with the world. Epsom SF near Bendigo,
> central Vic., is cool also.
> Cheers
> Geoff.
> Geoff Price
> Seaford, Vic.
> 0400 248 149
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