
Western NSW and SW QLD Trip - 27th to 31st December 2005 Part 1

To: "Birding-aus" <>
Subject: Western NSW and SW QLD Trip - 27th to 31st December 2005 Part 1
From: "Edwin Vella" <>
Date: Sun, 1 Jan 2006 15:32:08 +1100

David Mitford and I have just returned from an enjoyable 4 and ½ day trip in western NSW and SW QLD seeing a good variety of inland birds with David scoring about 18 lifers and one new bird for myself.


The highlights of the trip included:


BOGAN GATE, NSW (27/12/05)


We saw here about 20 Superb Parrots beside the main road




A brief visit had a few Whiskered Terns on the Lake and just outside the town a number of White-winged Wrens (at least 2 adult males with the plainer females/Immature birds), several Brown Songlarks and a Spotted Harrier.




Here we saw/heard about 12 Southern Scrub-robins, 4 plus Shy Heathwrens, about 50 very obliging Grey-fronted and several Yellow-plumed Honeyeaters, Crested Bellbirds, Gilberts Whistlers, several Splendid Wrens, 20 Fork-tailed Swifts (flying overhead with Woodswallows, Swallows and Martins), many White-browed and a few Masked Woodswallows. Also heard but not seen were a single Black and a White-fronted Honeyeater. While spotlighting we also saw a Spotted Nightjar and heard a Barn Owl there at night.


MT HOPE, NSW (28/12/05)


Here we saw about 10 more Fork-tailed Swifts (again with Woodswallows, Swallows and Martins), a few Crimson Chats and a pair of Hooded Robins


COBAR, NSW (28/12/05)


On a dam about 50 km north of Cobar we saw a beautiful adult male Orange Chat with 4 female/young birds, a few more Crimson Chats, both Diamond and Bar-shouldered Doves, a Red-winged Parrot, a White-fronted  Honeyeater  and several Spotted Bowerbirds


BOURKE (28-30/12/05)


We saw at least 7 Red-tailed Black Cockatoos along with a hundred or so Little Corellas and several Red-winged Parrots beside the Darling River. Another interesting sighting was a male Red-rumped Parrot with diluted pigmentation almost creamy in colour feeding with a normal coloured female bird.


Part 2 to follow…..


Edwin Vella


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