From: "Tun Pin Ong" <>
Subject: Swift Parrots in Capertee - 21 Aug 2005
Hi Tun,
Birds sometimes drink from hollows, I have seen Aus. Ravens and
Sulphur-crested Cockatoos do so. Safer than coming down to the ground?
Also I have seen Rainbow Lorikeets checking hollows well away from their
breeding season. Perhaps they remember them for when it's time to breed?
> Hi,
> It was a good outing at Capertee, not just for birding
> but also to meet up with David Geering and Carol
> Probets for the first time. Also thanks to a number of
> other birdwatchers who showed me the swift parrots and
> additional spot for Regent Honeyeater, whom I did not
> get a chance to know your names.
> I was particularly puzzled by at least one single
> swiftie (not sure if it was the same individual) that
> kept coming back to a nest-like hollow, at least 5
> times. It once tucked into the hollow, doing some sort
> of inspection. Red-rumped Parrots also appeared at the
> branch once but swiftie seemed to be more interested
> in it.
> As we know that Swift Parrots do not breed in NSW,
> maybe this is just a parrot's inquisitive nature.
> Cheers,
> Tun Pin ONG
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