
Quorrobolong NSW Re-visted

To: <>
Subject: Quorrobolong NSW Re-visted
From: "alan morris" <>
Date: Wed, 3 Aug 2005 20:32:29 +1000
Saturday was a fine sunny winters day, perfect conditions for our trip to 
Quorrobolong, which Arthur & Gwen Biggs, lead each year. 22 members and 
friends joined them at Freemans Waterhole, west of Newcastle and our first 
stop was Peter and Jill Barda's property at "Big Pond" on Sandy Creek Rd 
Quorrobolong. We spent over an hour here both on the property and in the 
adjacent bushland and farmland. We saw over 22 species and enjoyed the 
morning tea that they unexpectedly provided for us in the outdoor summer 
house!. This was birding at its best! Highlights were a Collared Sparrowhawk 
pursued by Magpies, and 8+ Brown-headed  and Yellow-faced Honeyeaters 
feeding in a flowering Spotted Gum, Striated Pardalote and Mistletoebird.
We then moved onto the Heaton Rd Swamps at Quorrobolong where single Royal & 
Yellow-billed Spoonbills were feeding, Little Grebe, 20+ Tree Martins were 
hawking around the usual site of a clump of Forest Red Gums, a White-necked 
Heron were seen and a group of Red-rumped Parrots were observed busy 
quarrelling over nesting holes. From here we moved to Randall Miller's 
property "Iomar" a known Regent Honeyeater and Swift Parrot site but alas 
not in 2005! During the long drive across the paddocks to Iomar, we saw a 
pair of Wedge-tailed Eagles, Brown Falcon, Australian Pipit, Chough and 
Kestrel. In the Box Woodland our best birds were Yellow-tufted & Fuscous 
Honeyeaters, Jacky Winter, White-bellied Cuckoo-shrike, a pair of Dusky 
Woodswallows, Little Lorikeet, Fantailed Cuckoo & Brown Treecreeper. 
Unfortunately no trees were in flower although some Stringybarks may flower 
in the next month or two.
Onto Trevor & Norma's property "Oakleigh" Quorrobolong where we again were 
made very welcome. We lunched here on their verandah and  enjoyed the most 
pleasant hospitality, in the mean time watching the local group of 
Grey-crowned Babblers building a new nest in their garden and an adult 
Sea-Eagle roosting on the edge of their large farm dam. A stroll around this 
well managed cattle farm with its fenced-off creeks and natural 
re-vegetation areas, after lunch found female Golden Whistler, Yellow-rumped 
Thornbill, more Jacky Winters, White-eared Honeyeater & Noisy Friarbird.
Our last stop was at Ellalong Lagoon where the usual waterbirds were seen 
and Pelican, Rainbow Lorikeet, Whistling Kite & Hardhead were added to our 
list. By the time we had finished for the day over 84 species were recorded. 
Everyone was very taken with the hospitality shown to us by our various 
hosts, and our leaders, Arthur & Gwen did a great job.
Alan Morris 

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