
Re: CSIRO rejects criticism over wildlife program changes

Subject: Re: CSIRO rejects criticism over wildlife program changes
From: "Paul Coddington" <>
Date: Thu, 12 May 2005 12:41:16 +0000
CALM run Project Eden on the nearby (and much bigger) Peron Penninsula

They may have some involvement with Heirisson Prong but that project
seems to have been started and mainly run by CSIRO

Paul Coddington
Adelaide, South Australia

From: Frank O'Connor <>
Subject: [BIRDING-AUS] Re: CSIRO rejects criticism over wildlife program changes Date: Wed, 11 May 2005 22:54:44 +0800

It was always my impression that this project was being run by CALM (the WA Department of Conservation & Land Management), despite what the link quoted by Andrew Taylor says. I know that CALM is certainly involved in the reintroduction of Malleefowl and Bilby on the peninsula, plus they are radio tracking Woma Pythons. They regularly trap for mammals and reptiles. They also have Mala and Banded Hare-Wallabies in breeding enclosures.

Frank O'Connor           Birding WA
Phone : (08) 9386 5694              Email : 

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