Dear all -
Earlier this year I advised members of the preparation of a Draft
Bibliography of Arnhem Land (Northern Territory, Australia)
My original brief to produce a Bibliography of Arnhem Land Ethno-ornithology
has expanded since then, firstly to cover the whole of the Northern
Territory and subsequently to incorporate all the references to NT
ethno-biology that I have been able to locate. Some references relate to
Australia-wide issues, some specific to simlar bio-geographic/cultural areas
of Australia (northern Western Australia, north-western Queensland etc) and
some relate to ethnobiological literature published internationally.
I am pleased to advise (for my own sake!) that I have now finalised the
Bibliography proect. It is now in four parts:
A - Consolidated and annotated (to 1970) bibliography of all references;
B - Part 1 - Anthropolgical, linguistic and ethno- biological references
(not annotated);
C - Part 2 - Ornithological references - mainly NT (not annotated); and
D - Part 3 - Exploratory, historical and Geographical references (not
It became clear to me while doing this research that there is a wide variety
of extrinsic material (especially anthropological and historical) that
contains information and data relevant to ethno-biological research. While I
have still to locate much of the material listed in the Bibliographies
(those references marked (**) are not on file) it is apparent that there is
a lot of information available through these sources.
All are available as WORD documents. If you want all or some of them please
send a return email and I will send the documents back to you. That are
large(ish) files - 495Kb/116, 134/28, 219/51 and 100/22 Kb and pages
This project was funded (in part) by a 2003 NT History Grant administered by
the NT Archives Service. I would like to thank all who gave their support,
advice and assistance to me over the last 18 months, particularly Ray Chatto
and John Woinarski in the NT and Bob Forsyth in Queensland. I also thank
those who forwarded references, requests and comments from Africa, America
and Europe. Preparation was a two-way street - I found an early (North,
1898) reference to large flocks of Oriental Pratincoles that kept Ralph
Read, Bob Forsyth and Phil Straw busy for a while in relation to the recent
sighting of large flocks of those birds in the north-west.
This will continue to be a work in progress so please feel free to add your
comments, forward new references or notify me of errors, omissions etc.
I look forward to your requests. If needed I can be contacted by snail-mail
on the address below.
Robert Gosford
Post Office Box 848
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