Great to hear that the Brolgas have bred again at the Western Treatment Plant.
Does anyone know whether they are the same pair as last year??
From: Birdline Victoria Update No. 181
For the week ending: 24 October 2004
20 October
Highlights of a visit to the Western Treatment Plant included two chicks
with the pair of Brolgas, a Cape Barren Goose sitting on a nest at the South
end of Lake Borrie (near nest box 157 which is near the "webcam" - the
other goose was in the usual spot at Paradise Rd) and 21 Banded Lapwings at
the corner of Beach and Pt Wilson Roads. 7 Golden Plover at Kirk Pt and lots
of Ruddy Turnstones in that area. No sign of the Ruff today. Thanks Dave
Aaron Organ
mobile: 0429 792 906
Biosis Research Pty. Ltd.
Natural and Cultural Heritage Consultants
38 Bertie Street (PO Box 489)
Port Melbourne Vic 3207
Ph: (03) 9646 9499
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