May I suggest that many location specified by birders (e.g. Paradise Rd -
well known to Melbourne Birders) will not appear on any but the most
detailed street atlas. So I think an indication of the nearest large town
would be useful.....
From: Jennifer Spry <>
Subject: Re: [BIRDING-AUS] RFI re WTP
Date: Fri, 08 Oct 2004 19:45:27 +1000
Hi all,
Interesting to see this matter arrising again. May I offer a two pronged
First, I suggest getting an atlas. With one of these on your knee most, if
not all, locations mentioned on Birding Aus can be located.
Second, I work on the assumption that if I have not heard of a location,
then it is beyound my reaching in a weekend trip.
I must admit, however, that as an older member of the bird watching
fraternity I was taught at school how to use an atlas. From what I see now
as I work in tertiary education ,this may no longer be the case. I guess
that ,therefore, option 1 may not work for everyone so,
option 2 maybe the best to one to adopt if you don't recognise the name.
Good birding everyone
Tom Tarrant wrote:
> Hi Spectacled Drongo,
> Some time ago (not so long back), we were all asked by the moderator
> to supply location details with each post, seems we all need
> reminding!
> (.....some readers also compained about the use of aliases!)
> Tom Tarrant
> On Fri, 08 Oct 2004 00:22:22 -0400,
<> wrote:
> > hi all
> > i've worked out what an RFI is and deduced from earlier postings that
WTP is the werribee treatment plant, which is somewhere in victoria(?).
> > as a favour to birding-aus newbies like myself and out of
town/interstate readers, could postings about sightings include general
location info - even if it's only the state and nearest town or NP (that
was an easy one!). we might like to pop by when we're in the area.
> > btw is the rose-coloured starling still around?
> > happy birding
> > spectacled drongo
> > sydney
> >
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> Tom & Marie Tarrant
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