G'day all
I've just flushed about 8 Quail from a paddock south of Hamilton. They
were Stubble or Brown Quail in size but too quick for me to ID. No calling
as they took off but they flew straight and low into adjacent paddocks.
Normally we get Stubble Quail calling everywhere over summer. Do they
stick around but not call through the rest of the year - or do they migrate
Do Brown and Stubble Quail have different flight charactersitics that help
ID them? What is the call of Brown Quail and do they call throughout the
I'm at work with no ID books so would appreciate any tips in identifying
these species.
Four Blue-winged Parrots flushed from the same area - but at least they had
the decency to sit on a fence to give me a decent look.
Steve Clark
Hamilton, Vic
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