
Easter SW Qld trip

To: "" <>
Subject: Easter SW Qld trip
From: Tom Tarrant <>
Date: Tue, 13 Apr 2004 18:37:12 +1000
Hi All,

Just a quick note to inform that we've posted images of bird species seen on our Easter weekend-trip to SW Qld (see
We went to Currawinya NP and Eulo with Gavin Goodyear and had a stopover 
just west of St George, the conditions were very warm for april (30+ 
degrees most days)
Bird numbers generally seemed low, locals attributing this to the drought.
Highlights were 4 Black-breasted Kites in Eulo and near Currawinya, Chestnut-breasted Quail-Thrush and Bourke's Parrot near Eulo Bore, Black Honeyeater at Eulo and Currawinya and the star birds of the trip were a pair of Red-browed Pardalote singing near the lake at Blairmore (a station between Cunnamulla and Bollon)
Please contact us for additional details,

Tom & Marie Tarrant

Tom & Marie Tarrant
Samsonvale, Queensland 4520

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