I presume this refers to the House Crow, common in India and as
introduced along the east coast of Africa as there is only the Pied
Crow, endemic, there. I spent 2 x 5 - 7 week periods in Mombassa, the
sort of northern limit, and although it was a pest it confined itself to
urban environment, especially rubbish tips, the whole town is one. There
were plenty of native wild life around us and the Crows would even sneak
in at meal times to pinch food of an unguarded plate but go inland a
tad, say 10 km, away from real urban towns and they were non existent.
So I think this sounds like an emotional beat up. Sure they are
displacing the Pied Crow but the Paradise Flycatcher was inland a bit
where the Crows were not. Even in India they tend to be in the towns,
bloody noisy and a real pest. The hotel I was staying in Mombassa was
trapping them in a half hearted fashion but, even though they were very
common, Golden Palm Weavers were nesting in the grounds in their 10s
with out any trouble from the Crows.
Cheers Chris
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