Have had some interesting observations on our property in
recent times.Eastern Whipbirds are a constant for us here, more visible at this
time of the year with lots of chasey going on.But last week I saw a whipbird
attempting toact like a fantail.It was hovering and spiraling up the ded outside
leaves of a bannana tree, disturbing the leaves with its beak whilst hovering,
wings going madly, tail spread.Every now and then it must have got too much and
it would rest inside the leaf, then reappear and continue up the tree.I suspect
it was after insects and spiders, the latter of which are regularly found in
bannana trees.
We also had a pair of
Pied Monarchs two weeks ago, only the second sighting in our 9
years here. the first being on a Christmas Day a couple of years ago.Some folk
manage to see them regularly ,but for me they are always a special
bird.Eastern Spinebills have appeared, and we now have large
(upwards of 40) flocks of Red-browed Firetails moving
through.We have had beautiful male Regent Bowerbirds and
abrightly coloured male Rose Robin, with a Wedge-tailed
Eagle soaring over the Witta hills to the west, and a white-phase
Grey Goshawk being pursued by Pied Currawong below verandah
height through our gully.
And it isn't even Spring!
Russ Lamb, Maleny,SEQ