Hi Craig
http://www.floraforfauna.com.au/ is run by the nursery
industry with govt. support and I would be interested to
know a) if you can make it work (I cannot) and b) if it
helps you.
The lorikeets, which feed on nectar, really need trees which
means you may have to wait say 5 years until something like
a West Australian Flowering gum attracts them (and the
possums and flying foxes at night !).
Anyhow they have plenty of food around Melbourne and there
is a strong argument for having fewer eucalypts of the
species that yield a lot of nectar (applies even more so to
Silky Oak Grevillea robusta). They tend to help larger birds
which drive out smaller birds.
These are the ones that could really benefit from your
garden: thornbills, scrubwrens, spinebills... Melaleucas,
the tea-trees, some grevilleas would be the way to go.
Michael Norris
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