Very close to home, I popped in for an hour or so
at Prospect Reservoir (approx. 40 km west of Sydney CBD, near Blacktown) last
Saturday morning (the only day I can go here as it is often too full of people
on Sundays) to see what birds are about.
Great Crested Grebes (c 200)
Hoary-headed Grebe (80 plus in breeding
Australasian Grebe (only 3)
Whiskered Terns (150 plus most in breeding
White-bellied Sea-eagle (one adult)
Hardhead (only 6)
The coral trees and bottlebrush were in full flower
but did not attract any interesting honeyeaters (apart from Little Wattlebirds,
Noisy Miners, White-plumed and New Holland Honeyeaters). I thought I heard one
Scarlet Honeyeater (these coral trees are often full of them at this time
of year but were somewhat scarce or quiet on Saturday).
Also, most of the bushland around the northern end
of the reservoir has also been severly burnt just recently.
Edwin Vella