Living as I do in a block of flats in a part of Melbourne
with scarcely
a native avifauna to talk about (Ascot Vale), a new bird for
the garden
list is a red letter day. The garden is spartan, but does
contain a
large Hawthorn (Crataegus sp.) tree which has a number of
Mistletoe (Muellerina eucalyptoides) plants in it. The
mention of
mistletoe probably gives away the element of surprise ...
but this
morning amongst the incessant chirping of Tree Sparrows I
heard a
MISTLETOEBIRD. That begins to even up the feral:native
ratio of birds
in my garden slightly.
On any given day the birds of the yard are generally Tree
Sparrows with
the odd House Sparrow and Greenfinch joining in; Song
Thrush, Blackbird,
Common Mynah, Spotted Turtle-Dove; White-plumed Honeyeater,
Wattlebird, Magpie-lark, Willie Wagtail. Little Raven,
Magpie and
lorikeets (Rainbow, Musk, Little) fly over regularly.
Things improve
slightly in the local parks (add Red Wattlebird, Spotted
Pardalote, Grey
Butcherbird, Welcome Swallow, Red-rumped Parrot, Eastern
Rosella, etc.),
but not much!
Lawrie Conole
2/37 Myrnong Crescent, Ascot Vale Vic 3032 AUSTRALIA
AH 03 9370 3928 Mob 0419 588 993
Senior Zoologist
Ecology Australia Pty Ltd
88 B Station Street, Fairfield Vic 3078 AUSTRALIA
BH 03 9489 4191 Mob 0419 588 993 Fax 03 9481 7679
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