Today’s birding was too good
not to share! Do you have any suggestions
re the un-identified bird, please?
In perfect conditions,
all the birds seemed to be out and about after such a terrible week. At the
entrance on New Farm rd. we saw a Flame Robin. The Conservation Ponds and Borrow Pits looked splendid and
there were many waders there. The
Avocet & Banded Stilts were on the Borrow Pits and lots of Red-kneed
Dotterel. Plenty of Musk Duck
& Shovelers.
On the
pavers on the side of 15East Drain we saw a bird we could not identify, bigger
than a Cisticola, pink legs, held its tail erect, colouring like the Tawny
Grassbird, markings on the wings but not on the body. It came out from a clump
of grass and picked at the rocks, scampered back behind the grass and then
appeared again, this occurred a few times.
Waders on the sandbar at
the mouth of the Little River. Very few birds on the Paradise Road Ponds but
great activity on Lake Borrie.
The Freckled Duck were
all on their usual rock and there were many thousand Pink-eared Duck
about. Down at Kirk’s Point were
loads of Black & Little Black Cormorants. Some Pied Oystercatchers flew by. Fan-tailed Cuckoo on the fence at Beach Rd entrance. A number of Royal Spoonbill at Austin
Rd. Lagoon. Plenty of Black-shouldered
and Whistling Kite, Brown Falcons and one not identified.
It was one of the best
birding days I have had at the Treatment Plant for sometime.
In all we saw 69 species
and 3 un-identified, a raptor, the bird in the drain and one other. It was very exciting to show visitors
this magnificent habitat.
Shirley Cameron
03 9741 2997