From: Martin on 04/17/2002 02:19 PM
Subject: Feral bee - bird interactions (Aust.)
Jacqui Sheppard touches on an issue recently considered as a threatening process
for flora and fauna in Victoria.
The Final recommendation Report on this item states in part the following:
'Honeybees (Apis mellifera) compete for resources with nectarivorous birds (eg.
honeyeaters) specialised parrots (lorikeets and the endangered Swift Parrot),
some native mammals (Pygmy-possum and Sugar Glider) and endemic bees, thus
reducing the reproductive output of these native flower-loving fauna. Foraging
of honeybees could also lead to a reduction in seed set of some native plants
through nectar competition with their specialised pollinators (eg. rare
eucalypts and grevillea
Jacqui may indeed have witnessed competition between native animals and feral
bees. Particularly as nectar production is related to time of day and
temperature I suspect.
Copies of the short Recommendation Report on the item are available from me.
(Please supply a mailing address)
Martin O'Brien
Executive Scientific Officer, Scientific Advisory Committee
Department of Natural Resources and Environment
4/250 Victoria Pde., East Melbourne 3002 AUSTRALIA
Tel: 9412 4567 Fax: 9412 4586
(prefixes: Interstate 03 International 613)