g'day all,
I have just spent 1-1/2 days birding in the Cloncurry
I will post a Bird report at a later date.. to include a Black
Bittern, 3 Black-necked Stork, 15 Great-crested Grebes.
On the way home I dropped into the well known Clem Walton Park
site just off the Barkly Hwy a little less than halfway back to the
Apart from a large pool immediately under the dam
wall the river ponds are virtually dry. The nearby Lake Corella
is very empty.
But at bit of sludge I observed 5 Grey-crowned Babblers dip
their beaks into some water and have a good drink. The others may have
drunk before my observation
I see the G-c B almost every time I go birding. This is the
first time I have seen them drinking ! Temp this afternoon about
On one occasion only, I have seen them bathing.
They did this one at a time, until all 11 had jumped into the water, and
almost instantly jump out, shake themselves and resume their chatter and
The ubiquitous Willy Wagtail is another bird I have only seen
the once drinking.
Regards, Bob Forsyth, Mount Isa, NW Qld.