
Have you heard from this Brit?

Subject: Have you heard from this Brit?
Date: Tue, 12 Feb 2002 08:32:00 +1000
G'day all

I was contacted by email by a chap from Britain a few days ago.  Can't remember
his name (Dave?) but he said he worked for the RSPB and was planning a trip to
southeast Australia in April.  He was after my advice on birding in my area.  I
started a reply to him and left it unfinished while I hunted down a few bits of
info.  Now our PC at home has gone to get a OS upgrade and I can't send the

Has anyone on BA been contacted by this chap?  I'd hate thim to think I hadn't
bothered replying.

The itinerary included Sydney, Melbourne to Adelaide (Great Ocean Road and
Grampians) and back (mallee or Coorong).

If this rings any bells I'd appreciate the chap's contact details.



Steve Clark
Hamilton, Victoria, 3300

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