Birdline Victoria Update No. 56
For the week ending: 23 December, 2001
There has been no confirmation of the Paradise Shelduck near Phillip Island
and it seems as though the Freckled Ducks at Blackburn Lake have moved on,
however there is a sighting of a Dollarbird at Cranbourne to keep people
interested and I can report that the Tattler was seen at Ricketts Point
again Friday morning, although by the afternoon the bird must have cleared
off with all the sun worshippers arriving at the beach.
I hope everyone has a safe and happy Christmas and that Father Christmas
brings you all the ticks that you could desire - Stuart.
19 December
A Powerful Owl was roosting in tree beside walking track along Yarra River
at Banyule Flats Reserve, Heidelberg, thanks Gina Hopkins.
17 December
A Grey-tailed Tattler was seen at Ricketts Point in Beaumaris. The bird was
on "triangle" reef from 0845 to 1000 when flew to the tea house reef, this
is only the 2nd record for Bayside (last stayed Sandringham in 1988-89),
thanks Michael Norris.
13 December
A White-winged Triller was seen being chased by a Noisy Miner at Elsternwick
Golf Course, thanks Michael Norris.
13 December
A Whimbrel was seen amongst thousands of waders at the Austen Road Lagoon in
the Werribee Sewage Plant, thanks Paul Rose.
13 December
5 Freckled Ducks were seen at Blackburn Lake, Melway Ref 48 C11, on the
western side under the Night-Heron roosting area, thanks Howard Plowright.
11 December
A pair of Little Corellas have been reported flying above Koonung Creek
Reserve, North Balwyn, near north the end of Tannock Street. Melways Map
32, H11, thanks Celia Browne.
10 December
A Red-necked Avocet was videoed at Hampton Beach/Sandringham Harbour, flying
to a sandbar, but not there the next day, thanks Ian Parsons.
10 December
Brown Headed Honeyeaters have been seen flocking in the tops of Ti Trees in
Blairgowrie on the Mornington Peninsula, thanks Margaret Bell.
9 December
A White-throated Gerygone was reported from Pilcher's Bridge Flora and Flora
Reserve, 25 km south-east of Bendigo, thanks Chris Tzaros.
9 December
A Dollarbird was seen at the Cranbourne Botanical Gardens along with White
winged Trillers and a Nankeen Night Heron as well as all the other summer
migrants, thanks Bette Mitchell.
Birdline Victoria is a service for birdwatchers to report and find out about
rare and unusual birds in Victoria and is brought to you by the VicGroup of
Birds Australia. Birdline can be contacted on (03) 9882 2390 or on the
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