Well, good people, this has gone far enough.
What we seem to be experiencing is a virus phenomenon,
the likes of which we've never seen before.
There was good reason, until just last week, to take the attitude
of not saying too much, lest we spook people from using email lists,
but it has got to the point where we must act, or perish at the hands
of the malicious idiots who originate these viruses.
Don't think that it's just this email list, because I've seen
the same proliferation on many email lists I connect to.
This is a world-wide virus attack - it's everywhere.
I have been dealing with the virus problem for ten years now
and the ONLY real defence we have is understanding
and personal action.
Until only a few months ago computer viruses were something that
you'd have to be either careless or ignorant in catching.
I went along without protection, with my head in the sand,
thinking I knew what to expect - in not opening attachments etc, etc.
Those days are truly over, but not all is lost.
Virus checkers now usually seem to cost around $100 or so,
let alone the installation and ongoing maintenance,
which is nearly always confusing.
There are some checkers, like the one I use, from
www.sophos.com which appear to be on a sort of never never system.
I've been using Sophos for at least three months now and they haven't
asked me for money, but I can still download the up-to-the-minute
virus identities.
No virus checker can remain current for more than a few days now,
so it's just as important to know how to update it with the latest identities.
It used to be the case that an older version checker would suffice.
Now it has become imperative to have your checker UP-TO-DATE.
Sophos even sends out bulletins to let you know of new attacks,
and most competent checkers do the same.
I'm certainly not advertising Sophos, I was just lucky in finding it.
To put my money where my mouth is, I'd like to extend any help I can
offer to members the "birding" group. I certainly don't profess to know
everything about viruses and their elimination, but I'm happy to guide anyone,
by phone support, who is lost in the dark on the virus issue.
My name is Peter Adderley, I'm on 02 4328 1810 or mob. 0416 105142.
It say again, it is IMPERATIVE, to have an UP-TO-DATE virus checker
installed on your machine.
This email list is far too important to allow cyber-terrorism to destroy
such a valuable communications medium.
Hang in there, please! - but do the right thing - for all of us.
Kindest regards,
Birding-Aus is on the Web at
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