Re my other email, I have Land For Wildlife
property, but am looking for answers to two questions (and hopefully they will
not create any interminable debates):
1) We have rats and mice in the roof. We have mice
in the house. This is particularly the case with the advent of winter. I took
the cover off the BBQ a week back, to find a cosy group of mice! All the people
around us nail "talon" wax blocks in the roof space (the folk lore being that it
creates a thirst in the rats which drives them outside to die - hence no smelly
remains in the wall cavities). Question: is there a relatively bird safe poison
for use in such circumstances?
2) We have a rabbit and feral cat problem: Can
anyone recommend a humane trapping option for me? (The rabbits have no burrows:
they squat in patches of long grass, and emerge at night to consume any new
small plants I have put out. Given I want to re-establish some understorey
diversity, this is frustrating.) The cat is a concern now that we have blue
wrens around the house.
Rick Purcell