If you have nothing intelligent or of interest to say about birds please
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Michele Damschke
-----Original Message-----
From: John Gamblin <>
To: Birding-Aus <>
Date: Thursday, 15 March 2001 10:55
Subject: R.L. Mate and Bats
>Bless you both to Michael Norris and Phillip A.
>I checked ALL that data (geeeez he's thorough is that
>Veerman fellow) and I still can not find anything that
>relates to this weird head colouring? of what has been
>quickly named "Gloria" by that fast spinner in S.A.
>Tisk Tisk Tisk :-]
>I intend to shoot it? :^D I am joking, capture it on
>film I should say, or if the puta whiz of this list
>would like to pop down here and give me a fast "Teach"
>:-] on this USA webcam come mobile puta camera that
>would be great! he could even have the bottle of
>ancient USA borbon as payment due to the S.A. fast
>spinner obviously not wanting it?
>Mr. R.L.'s female companion was there this early am
>but sadly only one little one? perhaps the others had
>an oversleep eh.
>I've scribbled down some notes and a rough sketch on
>his companion but with it only being a week till my
>love "Hilary of Washington" arriving and she's a very
>clever bird artist, so I may wait for the better
>then I to get here?
>Many thanks to all for this help.
>Bad Humour:
>I had a suggestion made to me last night at a meetimg?
>and the idea got on to 3LO radio this am? perhaps we
>should give thought to relocating the opening spot of
>the first day of the duck shooting season, to the
>Melbourne Botanical gardens? just give the shooters ID
>cards for those bats. Gee, Michael 17,000 bats? nearly
>as many as in India eh surely someone must know
>there's a market for their droppings :-]
>Ooroo all and again I bless you all and this brilliant
>archive, for it is exactly that.
>Hey Russell ain't I's good? not one word about bats in
>nets eh :^D
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