The Painted Snipe have been seen most days since Trevor Ford's skilful
long-distance deduction last Monday, but no-one has seen the adults again
since then.
Andrew Stafford found two juveniles on Wednesday; on Thursday Roy
Sonnenburg, John Hadley and myself along with three overseas visitors saw a
couple of Australian Shoveler, plenty of Pink-eared Duck, quite a few Marsh
Sandpipers, and the odd Sharp-tailed Sandpiper along with all the regulars -
but not a single Painted Snipe. There have been a couple of Latham's Snipe
in the same general area as the Painteds - just to cause the odd flutter of
confusion from a distance.
This-morning (Saturday) John Hadley and I caught up with the two juveniles -
and also with Greg Anderson, Julie Moore, Laurie Knight and Stewart & Kath
Pell. I managed some fairly long-range photographs (of the birds and the
people), which I'll put on the Abberton website in the next day or two. I'll
drop a posting onto birding-aus as soon as they are there.
Bill Jolly
Lockyer Valley, Queensland.
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