Hello Birding-Ausers,
At around 9:00 am on 10/11/2000 I saw a sight I have never seen before.
While standing just outside my backdoor observing approx 10 White-throated
Needletails hawking overhead, I saw in the distance a large bird slowly
gliding/soaring like a bird of prey.
At first I thought it might be one of the Whistling Kites I occasionally see in
my area.
However when I put the binoculars on it I then thought it was a White-faced
I only had a moment to identify it as I then noticed another similar bird
approaching the first bird from behind.
Then the first bird suddenly did a manoeuvre very similar to that done by a
fighter plane from a war movie.
It seemed to do a 'wing-over' and dived at rapid speed vertically towards the
Its wings were folded like a diving gannet.
I lost sight of both birds behind the accursed Fox-tail Palms that my neighbours
insist on planting and I don't know what happened next or what that was all
Has anyone seen anything similar from similar birds?
Bob Inglis
Woody point SEQld, Australia.
27 deg 15min S; 153 deg 5 min E
WWW: http://www.powerup.com.au/~inglisrc
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