
White-throated Gerygones at Meadowflat

To: Russell <>
Subject: White-throated Gerygones at Meadowflat
From: Penny Drake-Brockman <>
Date: Thu, 19 Oct 2000 08:30:49 +1100
Dear all

One White-throated Gerygone was heard along the Tarana Road beside  Diamond
Creek , south of Meadow Flat, which is approx. 30 km east of Bathurst, on
Sunday  15th October, during the 11th Birds of Bathurst Survey undertaken
by the NSW Field Ornithologists Club. Didn't sound at all like a Western as
had the full "falling leaf" song.

On the way home Sunday we stopped at Lake Wallace, Wallerawang, where
amongst the hundreds of coot, I saw the greatest amount of Musk Duck so far
on that lake - 22, with two males in full display mode. Hoary Headed Grebe
and Aust.Grebe were everywhere up the back parts of the lake but too
difficult to count.  During the hour we were there we saw only 9 Gt.
Crested Grebe (often many more at this time of year),  55 Hardhead, and
raptors - one Kestrel, one Black-shouldered Kite and one Peregrine. It was
cold and very windy which had driven most of the water birds to the far
back sheltered area towards the power station behind the barrier, hence
difficulty in counting grebes.

Penny Drake-Brockman, Examination Recitals Co-ordinator, Sydney
Conservatorium of Music.
Tel: 02 9351 1254.

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