
Clifton Hills

Subject: Clifton Hills
From: Tony Russell <>
Date: Tue, 03 Oct 2000 18:08:13 +0930
Hi all.   Following on from a very cordial 'phone conversation with Terry 
Pacey last week, I would like to commend him on his actions in actually 
getting Clifton Hill Mgt to listen and to take our comments and 
disappointment into consideration for future decisions regarding access. 
Maybe there is some light at the end of the tunnel after all, but let's not 
too carried away, that's only one pastoral lease out of many closing off 
access.  Be assured that the mgt committee of the SAOA is taking the 
changed legislation seriously and is making overtures to the appropriate 
minister and shadow minister , and will approach Clifton Hills directly as 
well - especially now that Terry has got the door half open. But again this 
only concerns the closures in SA, you others in other states ( ie 
Queensland) still have your own backyards to sort out, unfortunately it 
seems on an individual basis.
I still think it disappointing that our leading national bird organisation 
chooses to distance itself from the issue, but again commend Terry for 
getting as far as he has.

   ADELAIDE BIRDING with Tony Russell. South Australia by 4WD
   phone : 08 8337 5959  , o/s 61 8 8337 5959
   There's nothing quite like the feeling of seeing a new bird is there?

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