
Property Access

To: Birding Aus <>
Subject: Property Access
From: Les Thyer <>
Date: Wed, 27 Sep 2000 11:51:10 +1000
 Hi Netters,
             David Siems wrote in part:-

            "When I was assisting with atlassing in 1987-88 along the
border with SA, we received this from a "landowner". "I don't want you
finding any rare birds on my property as I don't want hassles with the
National Parks wanting to take some of my property."  Michael this maybe
reason why they refuse you entry."

 I feel David is absolutely right because I have had many similar
experiences. I have a white Landcruiser Troopy and landholders are
always suspicious of it as they think it is a Government vehicle.
Several times when I have driven in to a property to ask permission to
bird-watch I have had a hard time convincing the owners that I have no
connection with the Government. A lot of them are paranoid about loosing
their property, or having to comply with some imagined restrictions if a
new or rare species is found on it.
Les Thyer
Mackay Qld.

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