
Magellan Blazer 12????

Subject: Magellan Blazer 12????
From: Tony Russell <>
Date: Tue, 11 Jul 2000 06:13:03 +0900
DON"T DO IT  STEVIE BOY !!!! Go for a Garmin, no-one has trouble with them.
Tony. ( full bin man)

Russ can have my old one too, mongrel bl...y thing. I get better
performance from my divining rod, at least it directs me AWAY from water.

At 02:54  11/07/00 +1000, you wrote:
>G'day all
>I've tried a couple of times lately to send this message but I don't think it
>has worked.  My apologies if you have all seen this before.
>I need advice on a cheap GPS.  The Magellan 300 (Pioneer) is the cheapest
>but seems to lack a few features.  Russell Woodford likes his - it does
what he
>needs and probably what I need also.  We've just heard what another thinks of
>his (it's in the bin!).  The next model up is the Magellan Blazer12.  Does
>anyone own this model.  I know nothing about the Garmins but they seem to be
>well regarded.  The cheapest is probably right on my price limit.
>Last year I borrowed a Magellan 2000 from the Atlas project.  It was a
>machine and retails in the BA shop for around $500.  I saw one on on the
>DickSmith web site last week for $150 (priced to clear).  I registered to buy
>from them and looked again - but it was gone.  What a bargain.  Whoever
took it
>also took the car adapter (also marked down).  The (very cheap) carry case is
>still available however - if any of you were the lucky buyer.
>Back to the point - if anyone has any comments on the Blazer12 I would
>appreciate hearing them.
>Steve Clark
>45 Carmichael Street, Hamilton, Victoria, 3300
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   ADELAIDE BIRDING with Tony Russell. South Australia by 4WD
   phone : 08 8337 5959  , o/s 61 8 8337 5959
   There's nothing quite like the feeling of seeing a new bird is there?

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