Regent Honeyeaters when mimicking Red Wattlebirds do this bill clapping
exactly as and in the same sequence as the Wattlebirds do it.
-----Original Message-----
From: Carol Probets <>
To: Jim Davis <>
Cc: <>
Date: Sunday, 30 January 2000 2:09
Subject: Fw: Mechanically produced sounds by birds.
>Hi Jim,
>The one that immediately came to my mind is the Red Wattlebird, which
>sometimes uses bill-clapping as part of its female-male duet. It is
>mentioned in the Reader's Digest Complete Book of Australian Birds, which
>"SONG: Mellow, ringing tew-tew-tew-tew by female injected with harsh deep
>coughing chork-ch-chok-ch-ch-chock by male, in duet; often introduced by
>bill snapping."
>I'm not sure which sex does the bill snapping in this situation. I have
>sometimes heard lyrebirds mimic this bill snapping without the rest of the
>wattlebirds' song, and I think it is distinctive enough to be recognisable
>as a wattlebird's bill snapping. It is quite rapid.
>I have also been swooped at by a male Red Wattlebird who clapped his bill
>at me in the same way that Australian Magpies do. I was in his territory
>(my garden) and I guess the bill snapping makes the attack more
>intimidating. I know the wattlebird was a male because he and his mate
>owned my garden for a while and I got to know them well. One was noticably
>bigger than the other, and as I had seen them mating, I knew that the
>bigger of the two was the male (unless they were trying out a new
>position). This was also consistent with their respective parts in the duet
>as described above.
>Loud wingbeats are used by a number of pigeons as you mentioned, but what
>about the Eastern Spinebill? It flies with a characteristic flip-flop
>sound. I wonder if this has a signalling function or if it is just an
>accidental result of anatomy.
>An interesting topic, I reckon.
>Carol Probets
>Katoomba NSW
>Jim Davis wrote:
>>I am researching an article on mechanical sound production in birds for an
>>upcoming issue of the IB Bulletin, I am in need of good Australian
>>Specifically, I am interested in externally produced sounds (not songs)
>>that have evolved to serve for a particular function(s) ... e.g. sounds
>>in courtship displays, territorial advertisements, warning signals, etc.
>>It would be most helpful if you include the names of species with a
>>description of the sound produced. Species that I am aware of include:
>>Palm Cockatoos
>>Some doves
>>As you can see I am low on Australian examples.
>>Bill clapping would be a good one if I had specific information on a given
>>species and the context in which the sound is produced? Albatrosses come
>> to mind.
>> Any others?
>> Cheers, Jim
>> Dr Wm. James Davis, Editor
>> Interpretive Birding Bulletin
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