Thanks everyone who provided the info I requested. My records are
rather more complete now. Beury State Forest was the only one
unknown, possibly : ) due to the fact that it's in NSW when I said it
was in Victoria. A search of the gazetteers on the Internet didn't
help for NSW any more than it did for Vic. So if anyone can enlighten
me on the NSW Beury forest then I'd be happy indeed.
The info is summarised as follows:
Beury State Forest *NSW*, who knows?
Gosse (?)CP (apparently Kangaroo Island) 35 46, 136 59
Granny's Flat, 37 17, 146 13
McIvor State Forest 36 55, 144 44
Morialta Conservation Park 34 55, 138 42
Para Wirra Recreation Park 34 43, 138 49
Reedy Lake, via Kerang 35 41, 143 53
Reedy Lake, via Balieston 36 43, 145 06
Reedy Lake, via Geelong 38 12, 144 25
Whipstick State Park 36 39, 144 16
Thanks again
P.O. Box 41382
Casuarina 0811 NT
Ph. 62 8 89451130
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