
Re: birding-aus Is it an olive wistler?

To: "Petherfile (Joshua Petherbridge)" <>
Subject: Re: birding-aus Is it an olive wistler?
From: Lawrie Conole <>
Date: Thu, 02 Sep 1999 15:09:43 +1000
>   I just found this list when I was looking for info on olive
>   wistlers
> (pachycephala olivacea) and simerler spicies.  
>  A new bird has turned up in my garden, mostly heard not seen.  I
>  acually

Hi Joshua

We'd love to help, but we need a bit more information!  Like where do 
you live?  ........ what's the countryside like there?  ..... are you 
in or next to some wet forest?  That kind of thing.  What does the 
bird look like (size, colours)?  What does the call sound like?

It may well be an Olive Whistler, but that depends on a few things.  
Golden and Rufous Whistlers are more common in most of the 
countryside, but that depends entirely on where you live.

Good luck!

Lawrie Conole
Coarse Woody Debris Project
Department of Biological Sciences
Monash University
Clayton Vic 3168 AUSTRALIA
Phone +61 3 9905 5649
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