Highlights of lists from members of the Blue Mountains Bird Observers for
JUNE 1999.
PACIFIC BAZA - 3 at Sun Valley.
7 flying north over Somme Avenue, Wentworth Falls on 17/6.
2 in Allocasuarinas at Sublime Point, Leura on 21/6.
2-3 feeding in Allocasuarina off Oaks Fire Trail, Woodford on 22/6.
In larger flocks with up to 50 regularly reported from Linden and Woodford,
and 16 at Wentworth Falls on 22/6.
SHINING BRONZE-CUCKOO - a winter record at Mount Riverview on 10/6.
FUSCOUS HONEYEATER - Lapstone 10-11/6.
A bird which is normally uncommon on the Blue Mountains, there seems to be a
small irruption on the lower Blue Mountains over the past 2-3 months. Seven
reports during May and June between Lapstone and Springwood, and at least
one further report in July at Faulconbridge. Three of these observers noted
this was the first time they had seen this species locally.
OLIVE-BACKED ORIOLE - one immature at Katoomba with a group of Red
Wattlebirds on 6/6. Also reported at Shipley Plateau near Blackheath.
PIED CURRAWONG - flocks of 50-100 flying west through Katoomba on 6/6 and
MISTLETOEBIRD - heard near Evans Lookout on 18/6.
Carol Probets
Newsletter Editor, Blue Mountains Bird Observers
Katoomba NSW Australia
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