
birding-aus Re: South Coast NSW Honeteater migration.

To: "birding-aus" <>
Subject: birding-aus Re: South Coast NSW Honeteater migration.
From: "Barbara Jones" <>
Date: Thu, 3 Jun 1999 10:18:21 +1000
David Geering asks about coastal observations south of Jervis Bay.  Here, between Merimbula and Eden, the Yellow-faced Honeyeaters usually begin passing through in a steady stream of 0000's from the end of April.  We are still waiting! There have only been small (50+) groups,occasionally.  Similarly the White-naped which accompany them in smaller numbers have been absent.  Red Wattlebirds which also come a few weeks later in even greater numbers and over a wider path did not appear either.  The hazard reduction burn-offs created large ammounts of dense smoke which did not get away quickly this year.  Would that have re-routed the birds?  
Barbara Jones 
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