
birding-aus Re: shy birds and pardalotes

Subject: birding-aus Re: shy birds and pardalotes
From: "Carol Probets" <>
Date: Thu, 06 May 1999 05:01:40 PDT
White-browed Scrubwrens and Rockwarblers are two more examples of
ground-living birds which can be extremely bold. I particularly remember a
time there were four or five of us walking down Nellies Glen near Katoomba
and we all stood still to watch a party of White-browed Scrubwrens at the
side of the track. One of the birds, a young one, proceeded to hop around
our feet, between our feet, and eventually hopped onto the shoe of one of
the group.

And with Rockwarblers, if you happen to be standing where they would
normally be searching for food, they will often continue foraging around
your feet as if you weren?t there. A Rockwarbler was the very first bird I
ever saw in the Blue Mountains. The first time I came here (years ago!) we
walked down to a cave at night to camp, then in the morning I opened my eyes
to see a Rockwarbler looking at me lying there in my sleeping bag (back then
I didn?t know what type of bird it was, but remembered vividly the
rusty-brown breast).

And on the pardalote thread, I also have a story of a very inquisitive
Spotted Pardalote, ?checking me out? from as close as it could possibly get,
about half a metre from my face. At the time I was alone in an untracked
part of the Wild Dog Mountains (in the southern Blue Mtns) and wondered if
maybe the bird had never seen a human before. It wasn?t defending a nest ?
wrong time of year and it was in a foraging party of about half a dozen or

Cheers, Carol

Carol Probets
Katoomba NSW

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