Hi there,
It's an unusual question I received. Has anybody any info on this?
All the best,
>Date: Sat, 17 Apr 1999 15:10:43 -0400 (EDT)
>Subject: Perth Birds of Profanity
>I understand that there is a facility in Perth Aus that cares for birds
that evidently speak profanity. I understand that It is one of the only
places in the world that does this.
>Evidently when talking birds are unwanted because of their foul language
they end up in Perth to live out their natural lives.
>Can you tell me what the facility is? Do they have a Website? I could not
find it if they do.
>Any information would be helpful.
>I am located in So. Calif. USA (Near Disneyland)
Kirrama Wildlife Tours Klaus & Brenda Uhlenhut
PO Box 133 SILKWOOD QLD Australia
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