
RFI: Swift & swiftlet sightings

To: "" <>
Subject: RFI: Swift & swiftlet sightings
From: Kerrin Tarburton <>
Date: Sun, 17 Jan 1999 18:26:18 +1100

Many thanks for those who have sent me their recent swift and swiftlet 
sightings.  I suspect that there are many more that have been made over the 
year end and more that have not been sent in.  I would appreciate receiving 

Providing me with the date and number of birds makes the data more useful 
in tracking movements and trends in such mobile birds.  Unfortunately the 
New Atlas does not request exact dates or numbers, so any swift and 
swiftlet records sent on to me will make your effort for the atlas even 
more useful.

Again many thanks and happy recording.

Mike Tarburton

Pacific Adventist University
PMB Boroko
Papua New Guinea

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