Aquaintences of ours have for some time had a close relationship with a
Bush Stone Curlew that lives on their property, west of Morgan. This
bird alternately (and unpredictably) will visit their verandah or even
go inside the house and may be "friendly" or quite aggressive, also
unpredictably. They had to catch the bird and confine it for a few hours
last month so people weekending on the neighbouring property could enjoy
their weekend unmolested! (They were camping near a dam). No-one has
ever seen a second bird. Is the aggression territorial? Is the boldness
typical of the species? How rare are these birds? Can someone lend me a
GPS for atlassing purposes?
P.S. I've borrowed and copied 2 quite clear photos of this bird on their
verandah and there's no doubt about the I.D. I can email the .jpgs if
anyone is interested.
Regards, Anne
Anne & Roger A. Green, Atriplex Services, Morgan, Sth.Australia
Environmental Consultants & Native Plant Nursery.