> From:
> I recently watched a male Superb Fairy-wren performing a display of some
> sort. The bird was in the southern Grampians N.P. in south west
> The bird was creeping along the ground, mouselike, weaving its way around
> small shrubs, bits of wood etc. Its tail and head were lowered giving it
> a humpbacked appearance. My impression was that the blue patches on the
> head and upper body were raised or fluffed up somehow as they certainly
> seemd prominent.
I've seen a "rodent run" display by a female Superb Fairy-wren. This
seemed to be a defensive tactic, as it occurred when other birds alighted
close to her nest full of newly hatched babies. As you say, the posture is
very mouse- or rat-like, with head and tail lowered and back feathers
Jim Davis described this behaviour in a recent issue of Interpretive
Birding Bulletin. Jim may know whether this behaviour occurs in males as
Vicki PS