Hello All,
Can someone make a guess please. In July two Aust Magpies moved in to
our suburban (Brisbane) garden. Every day they would work their way up
the footpath, spend a considerable time cleaning up our crawley things,
particularly on our bit of grass, then head off up the back into the
trees on the ridge only to fly back down the road and repeat the
performance. One of the Magpies had slightly drooping wings and was
marginally bolder than the other. From three weeks ago only one Maggie
has been seen at a time and it never has drooping wings. It does not
'work' the area systematically as before but it is occasionally
collecting nest material (long, thinnish sticks) and is visible most of
the time.
Could one have died or does one of a pair remain immoveably on a nest
when breeding? Although we are suburban there are many trees around and
I would not necessarilly find a nest, even a Magpie nest.
This is the first time in c 22 years that we have been in a Magpie's
area of operation. Funny how that coincides with the presence and
non-presence of family felines. Strangely also, the Scrub Turkeys (3 or
4 or more) are not quite as evident in our garden in recent weeks. It
was a regular forrage/passage-way for them from creek to ridge. Nor are
the Grey Butcherbirds operating from as close as before.
Sorry that this is not much notice for my query as I will be
unsubscribing on Sunday night and going fishing.
Thanks in advance,
Ros Laundon.