
Regent Honeyeater/Swift Parrot

Subject: Regent Honeyeater/Swift Parrot
From: "David Geering"<>
Date: Thu, 9 Jul 1998 10:46:04 +1000
Those of you who participated in the May Regent Honeyeater and Swift Parrot
survey will be receiving information regarding the next survey to be
conducted over the weekend of 8-9 August, 1998.  Included will be a summary
of the results of the May survey.

For those who weren't able to participate and are not on our mailing list,
a copy of these reports are attached, minus the map included in the
mailout.  In summary, 78 people participated returning 190 survey forms
from 110 ten minute grids across Victoria, NSW and south-east Queensland.
565 Swift Parrots were reported from 37 locations while 65 Regents were
reported from seven sites.  The feedback received clearly indicated that
people really enjoyed the experience, even if they didn't see either
Regents or Swifties.

If you are interested in participating in the 8-9 August survey please
contact either us.

Remember:  They're out there somewhere, we just have to find them.

David Geering                      Simon Kennedy
Regent Honeyeater Recovery Coordinator   Swift Parrot Project Officer
Ph: Freecall 1800 621 056                Ph: (03) 5444 6790
e-mail:           email:

(See attached file: REGREP.DOC)(See attached file: SWIFTREP.DOC)

Attachment: REGREP.DOC
Description: Word 6.0 Windows/Mac

Attachment: SWIFTREP.DOC
Description: Word 6.0 Windows/Mac

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  • Regent Honeyeater/Swift Parrot, David Geering <=

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