Hi all
I thought it would interest some if I highlighted some unusual sightings
from the City of Bayside in SE Melbourne (20 km from the city centre).
The basis for saying something is unusual is a database of c30,000
records, some going back to the last century. No - they are not all my
own observations !
Spotted Pardalotes: exceptionally high numbers and geographical spread
since January (eg. recorded at parks where no previous record in c100
Eastern Spinebill: last year there were so many in gardens in SE
Melbourne that there was an article in The Age. This year there are even
Black Swan: record numbers of up to 12 have been feeding in coastal
shallows, including frequent occurences near the Brighton Dunes where
they have not been seen in the last 40 years.
Grey Fantail: a record number of at least 29 in a 7 ha stretch of
coastal vegetation on 11/4/98.
Boobook Owl: one present in Beaumaris from February. No previous record
from November to March inclusive.
Other species numbers roughly as usual: perhaps fewer Black-faced
Cuckoo-shrikes for this time of year. Not a good honeyeater year with no
uncommon species other than Spiny-cheeked recorded so far.
Michael Norris
5, Deakin Street, Hampton, Victoria, Australia 3188
roughly 37° 55' S 145° E