Highlights from twice-weekly Canberra Ornithologists' Group (COG) hotline,
for week ending 21 November (some reports are of earlier obs).
Yellow-tailed Black Cockies 9/11 ~400 flying west towards
Brindabellas across suburban Oxley. [Seems they were coming from Tinderry
and Tallaganda Ranges area, from direction, but to where? There's only been
one breeding record from the Brindies -from a felled tree! :-( ]
White-browed Woodswallows ~20 pairs breeding Callum Brae woodland
(adjacent to suburbs)
Cattle Egrets 18/11 10 Queanbeyan [should have left a
month ago to breed elsewhere, though one caller suggests they're Shortland
birds, sacked by BHP....]
Superb Parrot 16/11 paddock by suburban Fraser
Royal Spoonbills 16/11 breeding at Roses Lagoon (by Federal
Highway between Collector and Goulburn) with White Ibis/LP Cormorants in
reeds - all most unusual breeders in the area.
White-browed Scrubwren nest predated by Magpies in suburban garden! Any
Hotline number: 02 6247 5530
COG web site: www.canberrabirds.dynamite.com.au/
Ian Fraser, Canberra
Environment Tours; Vertego Environmental Writing Consultancy
ph: 02 62491560 fax: 02 62473227