G'day all
I took the afternoon off yesterday and ventured out to Lake Linlithgow
(20k east of Hamilton, Vic).
The water level is quite low at present and bird numbers down on what I
would normally expect.
Musk Duck - seemed to be everywhere.
Pink-eared Duck - the most numerous duck at present, several hundred.
Eurasian Coot - small numbers but more than in recent months. Can be
thousands at this time of the year. Whiskered Tern - About 100 roosting
near Boonawah Creek mouth. Most in beautiful breeding plumage. Red-necked
Stint - One individual with a red band high on the right leg (tibia).
Does anyone know where this bird might have been banded?
No Crested Grebes: In past years there were always at least a few and up
to 300. No Blue-billed Duck: As for Crested Grebe.
Overall lack of ducks and swans
Only 5 Black-winged Stilts
Only one Stint and one Red-capped Plover.
No Black-fronted Dotterels again. I've just checked my records and am
shocked to find that I haven't recorded them here since 1991. They used
to certainties with several pairs.
With Rod Bird I conducted regular surveys of the lake's birds in the late
'80s and early 90's. The bird population during the survey period was
mostly very high although there seemed to be a downward trend for several
species even then. In the last few years numbers have been consistently
down. One example - in the past there were often so many swans that you
could imagine using them as stepping stones to get across the lake. There
were probably fewer than 10 yesterday and I haven't seen more than 20-30
in recent years.
I speculate that the lake is increasing in salinity which is reducing (or
changing) aquatic plant growth. As far as I know no-one is monitoring the
salinity situation. My hope is that the current situation is part of some
natural cycle and things will improve.
Lake Linlithgow is still always worth a visit if you are in western
Victoria however as there always seems to be something special present.
Over the years we have turned up Black and Square-tailed Kites, Black
Falcon, Pectoral Sandpiper, Common Sandpiper, a Turnstone, Freckled Duck,
Banded Stilts etc.
Stephen Clark
Agriculture Victoria
Private Bag 105 HAMILTON 3300 Australia
Phone 0355 730 977 Fax 0355 711 523