On Sat, 12 Jul 1997, Trevor Quested wrote:
> I have been contacted by an American birder seeking a copy of the out of
> print book by Cooper and Forshaw 1972 called The Birds of Paradise and
> Bower Birds. Has anyone a copy or has seen it in a 2nd hand bookshop?
A web search found a US bookstore selling it (for US$425). Details
below. I've cc'ed this to birding-aus in in case others are curious
about the book details.
Andrew Taylor
From: http://www.horizonbook.com/birds.html
COOPER, William T.; text by Joseph M. Forshaw and William T. Cooper; The
Birds of Paradise and Bower Birds. Sydney, London, Collins, [1979], ,
folio [41 x 29 cm]; xii, 13 - 304 pp, 61 fine color plates, other plates
and illus, maps, bibliog, orig cloth, gilt lettering, orig slipcase and
label, slightly soiled, fine.
The birds illustrated here are native to New Guinea and Australia. An
extensive introduction to these families of birds is followed by a section
on each species, each illustrated with a color plate, distribution map and
details on description, habitat, sightings, etc. A beautiful production
with outstanding plates..
$425 bookID # 2030.