Hi Lapo,
I am happy to share this within my network, but you might also consider submitting to bioacoustics listserv email list. Are you familiar with it? It would certainly have a broader
reach to possibly interested applicants. If interested, you should send your ad to
From: Lapo Boschi <>
Sent: Monday, September 4, 2023 10:01 AM
To: Lapo Boschi <>
Subject: post-doc position available at the University of Padua, dept. Geosciences
Dear colleagues,
I hope this finds you well.
I am currently looking to fill a post-doc position in computational acoustics/seismology at the University of Padua, Department of Geosciences. The post-doctoral fellow that we shall hire will work towards the adaptation of SPECFEM (or some alternative code
for modeling the propagation of elastic waves in complex media) to problems in bioacoustics. Specifically, we shall study the conduction of waves in biological tissues, with implications for the functioning of biosonar, and in general the nature of the auditory
system in toothed whales. This position is part of "SWIM: aSsessing the Impact of offshore Wind turbines on Marine mammals in the Adriatic sea", a collaborative project funded by the Italian Ministry of University and Research, in the framework of the NextGenerationEU
Please, feel free to forward this message to anyone who might be interested. The official application material/link is not available yet, but will be soon, and the deadline for application (determined by the Ministry) might follow closely: so please, if you
are aware of any potential candidates, ask them to get in touch with me at their earliest convenience. The best is to email:
Thanks very much for your help!