Sent on behalf of Almo Farina
Dear Colleagues,
I am pleased to announce that the International Institute of
Ecoacoustics has founded the Journal of Ecoacoustics (JEA). The journal
is owned by the Institute with publishing services provided by
Veruscript (London).
JEA is an open access journal and, as such, offers authors a new
publishing venue that maximises the visibility and citation of their
work. All research articles are peer reviewed and an article processing
charge of just GBP350 is charged per article.
The inaugural issue is online from the end of October. More
information, including submissions details, can be found at
I invite you to submit your manuscripts for consideration. The journal
promises to be an exciting addition to our field.
Kind regards,
Almo Farina
Journal of Ecoacoustics
Almo Farina
Professor of Ecology
Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Ecoacoustics
Director of the International Institute of Ecoacoustics
President of the International Society of Ecoacoustics
Department of Pure and Applied Sciences, The University of Urbino
Campus Scientifico "Enrico Mattei", 61029 Urbino - Italy
Tel: +39-0722-304301, Fax: +39-0722-304275, E-mail: